Friday, March 12, 2010

Past, Now, and Future


A few month ago I meet with this special someone.

She came out of no where from some virtual world of friendship turn out to be someone special in reality

We talk, we laugh, try to know each other

It takes a very long time for me to gain some guts to meet her in real life because i know how special is she highly well educated person, lovable,have a lot of friends... (eksis bgt deh pokonya) :D, punya banyak kesamaan hampir semua yang terlintas dipikiran dia terlintas juga di pikiran gwe...... (bahasanya ko ganti xixixixi)

But i know she will became someone special for me.

Someone I can carry on, Someone I can love totally.

No matter whats my condition or what kind of problem that been struck in my live, she will be the cure for that kind a thing

I have never been in love like this before

By that time i start to gaining my courage to tell her how much i love her, and I still remember that special time every chapter of it every single second and every single move that she made (termasuk ngejatohin tas, sama jatoh di eskalator) even though that time still have a little bit of disturbing moment (gara - gara kucing kawin) :P but the decision that she made was made my life change and heading into a better life


Now shes my everything

I do my best to make her happy, not only try to be an ordinary boy friend but more than that

Ii only try to make her happy every time even when i stand next to her or when I'm at work.

Playing games with the unbeatable thing call's "TIME" i wont waste every single second by letting her out of my heart, even when I'm busy or not, even only 2 - 3 hours we meet in a single breakfast i hope that's will have a meaning for her

Try to be the best person for her and keep my own promise with myself that I'll make her happy.

Even now i have some jeopardy comes into my life but I'll try to make her happy because she's the most valuable person in my life.

I will love her every time and in every way..... (keabisan kata2 deh :P)

Future :

for the future i only have 5 word for her


Aku tau kamu gak bisa ngebayangin untuk bersanding sama aku dan aku gak menyalahkan itu karena pernikahan bukan untuk dibayangkan tapi untuk dijalani kita berdua

Sekarang aku mau jadi sesuatu yang baik buat kamu dan keluarga kamu dan aku janji aku bakal berusaha maksimal dan mencoba melewati batasan2 kemampuan yang biasa aku jalanin hanya untuk buat kamu bahagia.

Besok adalah hari spesial buat kamu yaitu "WISUDA".

Aku hanya bisa mengucapkan selamat (maaf ya sayang) karena aku gak bisa datang.

Tapi jujur aku seneng udah bisa bantuin kamu buat tesis sayang disela2 waktu aku, dan maaf aku gak bilang sama kamu tentang kuliah aku karena emang aku mau kamu fokus nyelesaiin tesis kamu dan aku bisa jadi bagian dari itu karena menurut aku hal paling berarti buat seorang laki2 adalah menjadi sesuatu yang bisa diandalkan kapanpun dan berkorban untuk orang yang disayang.

Itulah aku sayang, I can't describe how big my love for you by words but i prefer to show it by action to you


selamat ya sayang aku seneng kamu berhasil